Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Little Catching Up.....

I've been slacking on the blog posts!!!!  
It's so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day activities and chores and leave the "extras" behind!  But whenever I pull up the blog it makes me smile....seeing all the pictures and remembering what we've done.  
Needless to say...posting to the blog shouldn't be an "extra"!'s a little catching up.....

We had a quick weekend visit from Geoff and Robin at the beginning of March!

Robin was a good sport and let Annalise "do" her hair.  Gorgeous!!

We even got to have some of the Happy Campers over to play with us!

It was great to see everyone!!!

The girls finally had a day with not a lot going on so they opened up the Science Kit Annalise got for Christmas and did some experiments!!!

It was a little goopy feeling......ewwwww.....

Still fun though!  A good day for a little science!!!

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