Sunday, April 21, 2013

It's a Fracture

The week after Hawaii Avery was anxious to get back to soccer!
At her first practice back, she fell and fractured her arm.
Just above the wrist.

We iced it and gave her ibuprofen that night....we called the doctor and tried to see if they could get her in...."just in case".  But....she seemed totally wasn't really swollen and ibuprofen seemed to knock out the pain.  So...I gave her another ibuprofen and sent her to school in the morning.  
The doctor could see her at 3:00...that seemed reasonable.

It was fitness testing day in P.E. for Avery.  She told her teacher that she had hurt her arm at soccer practice the night before and that she didn't know how many push-ups she would be able to do.  Turned out it wasn't hurt a whole bunch. the doctor later that day....
she confirmed it was fractured.  Mom of the Year Award!!!
We would be going back in the morning to get the cast.

Avery was hoping for pink.
She had to settle for her second choice.....

And the kid is STILL smiling!!!!!!!!!!!

(Well...until the NEXT day when we went BACK to the doctor to get the cast re-done...her thumb was all wonky and she couldn't bend her elbow the entire way.  Apparently the new doctor made her wrist "look like a club".  She wouldn't let me take a picture.  There were a lot of tears.)

The novelty of the cast wore off fairly quickly!!!
Luckily it was a quick 3 weeks!

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