Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cama Beach

It's been 2 years since we've been to Cama Beach.
I can't believe we waited so long!
It's such a COOL place!!!
We got the same Happy Campin' crew to go back.
We arrived on Friday looked like we were going to be there for a week.  
Nope...just the weekend.

 The sun was starting to set as we were waiting for the shuttle to take us down to the cabin.
So pretty!!!

The next day the weather was UNBELIEVABLE!!!  We truly lucked out!  
The sun was shining and it was amazing!

We hung out by the cabins a lot.
We were lucky enough to see LOTS of marine life swimming by in the water....gray whales, porpoises, seals and even a pod of orcas.  So AWESOME!

We went and did some more boat building, too!

The masterpieces!! (The little boats, not the big one! ;) )
And they even float!!

We headed back to play on the beach, have some dinner and hang out by the campfire.

We were all tired after such a fun and busy day!

Another great trip to Cama Beach!  We're definitely not going to let another 2 years go by before we go back!  We had a wonderful weekend!

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