Monday, June 3, 2013

Bridging to Juniors

Avery has just completed her fourth year as a Girl Scout!
She is no longer a "Brownie"...she has bridged to being a "Junior"!

The ceremony was in our backyard "common area" again....
The girls sang the penguin song....and asked for everyone to join in....

Then they each spoke about their favorite thing about being a Brownie.
Avery liked being able to plan and be in charge of the activities.  Other kids said things that ranged from being with friends, buying things for the Humane Society and selling cookies, to learning new skills and looking forward to our upcoming camp out!

(I didn't have my camera there for the symbolic "crossing of the bridge", so there aren't any pictures from that part of the ceremony!)

After that, the girls received their final awards as Brownies and their first as Juniors.
It's a bittersweet ending of the year....our fearless and EVER-so-enthusiastic troop leader Michelle has decided to step down for next year.  With ALL 10 girls wanting to continue, nobody wanted to see the troop dissolve into others.  Avery really wanted to continue...and I really do believe in the Girl Scout philosophy.  I think Avery has learned so much about helping others and the importance of community through Girl Scouts.  SO...I decided to step up and take on the role of troop leader (silent scream) with the help of two other moms who promise to be more "co" leaders!  We'll see.  I have some REALLY big shoes to fill.  I hope I can do it!

Well....regardless....we're moving on to Junior Girl Scouts!

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