Friday, June 7, 2013

Preschool Graduate

Our sweet and sassy Annalise is a Preschool Graduate!!!
Her school had a nice graduation ceremony where they had their biggest "class" of graduating preschoolers!  The kids sang songs and were each recognized by their teacher.
Annalise was VERY excited!  She had been sick most of the week before, but rallied just in time to make it for graduation day!  Phew!!!

She picked her outfit....and the LOCATION of her photos....

Right before the kids started walking down the aisle, the teachers told them to fill their cheeks with air so that they wouldn't be so chatty.  Annalise took them literally.  Such a good rule follower!

The kids all got up to the risers and sang a couple of songs.  
Well...mostly Teacher Kelly sang the songs.  

You wouldn't know that they had been practicing for a month or so! :)  
The kids got stage fright.
Even Annalise who knew each of the words, seemed to just be mouthing them?!

Then it came time to announce the graduates.
Each student waited patiently for their turn to hear what their teacher had to say....
then ask if they were ready for Kindergarten.

Teacher Allison called Annalise to the front.....

(She had some great things to say, but apparently the video is too large?!  She spoke of Annalise's eagerness to be a "helper"...always jumping in to help clean up, or help anyone with anything!)

Annalise relaxed a whole bunch once she came back to sit with us and show us her new monkey!

After the ceremony, we all celebrated with cookies and cupcakes...

And one last picture with her school buddy Esaia...
(She's sure going to miss him next year!)

It was a great year of preschool at Monkey'n Around for Annalise.
Thanks to some wonderful and loving teachers!!! :)

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