Sunday, June 23, 2013

Girl Scout Camp Out

This year, Avery's Girl Scout troop chose to spend their cookie money on a camping trip.  They paid for the campsites and all of the food.  We were able to borrow the camping gear from the Girl Scouts, and the girls planned the trip...including all of the meal planning.  
(With some guidance from their troop leaders!)

We headed out to Birch Bay State Park on Friday afternoon.  (Nice and close to home!)
The girls were divided into "Teams" for the weekend.  They would be sleeping in a tent together and each team would be responsible for different "Kapers" throughout the weekend.  Including things like hostessing before and during a meal, preparing and cooking, then cleaning up.  I really like this Girl Scout way of camping!  Us three Moms on the trip got to watch the girls do most of the work...we were just there to lend a helping hand as needed!

The girls got to work getting camp set up.

Once the tents were up, the cooking teams got started with preparing dinner.  
Baked potato and salad bar.

After dinner, each girl did her own dishes....

And then there was a lesson in fire building.

We decided to head down to the beach for a nice sunset walk.  
The girls stopped to pose along the way! 

Then they had a great time playing on the beach.

We headed back to the campsites for campfire and s'mores.
Super Addie led the way!!!!

 It was a looooonnnnnnggggggg night.  Not because our girls were up talking, but it seemed as though the LOUDEST campsite in the campground was adjacent to ours.  Not to mention the several trips to the bathroom throughout the night.  Needless to say, we were all a little blurry-eyed in the morning.  BUT the AWESOME pie-iron breakfast (and coffee for the Moms) livened us right up!

After breakfast we packed a picnic lunch and headed to Pt. Whitehorn for the 
LOWEST tide of the year!!!  

It was a beautiful hike through the woods, then on down to the beach.

We spent a good portion of the day on the beach digging and exploring the tide pools for lots of cool critters.  It was a gorgeous day to do it!

When we got back to camp, the girls had some free time.  Most of them just wanted to hang out in the tent.  This was Avery's team.  They had a great time together!!!

The girls were lured out of the tents by the sound of the ice cream truck!!!
Yes....the Sugar Shack was making its way through the campground!
We couldn't pass up the opportunity for some ice cream!

After free time, Michelle had some team building games for the girls to play.  
We headed out to the open field.

When the games were finished, we needed to get back to camp to start the fire to make our foil packets for dinner!!! The girls chopped all the veggies and everyone built their own packet.  We stuck them in the coals and turned them a couple times over a period of about 45 minutes. 
(Seriously....the BEST campfire meal I've had!!!)

We had such a great time!!!!  The girls were troopers and were VERY tired when we were packing up the next morning!  BUT....there is a good chance when they get to vote about how to spend their cookie money next year....many of them will choose to do another camp out!!!

Way to go Girl Scouts!!!

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