Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Different Trip to Ft. Flagler

We always look forward to our annual trip to Ft. Flagler.
There are a few reasons....
It's a trip we always take with Grams and Gramps.
In fact...we started going before Avery was born and have only skipped one year.'s Ft.'s beautiful....there's tons to do and it's right on the water.

Grams had some health issues leading up to our trip and her and Gramps weren't going to be able to make it this year.
We were all super's truly one of our favorite trips of the year.
We talked about it as a family and decided that we would still go without them.

I broke down a bit when we pulled into the site.
Lots of great memories.
It just didn't feel the same....and I felt a little guilty being there without them.
I knew how much Grams and Gramps WANTED to be just wasn't possible.
So...I ended my pity party, knowing that they were happy we had decided to go...and when I saw the look on the girls' faces and heard their happy squeals when we arrived, I was so glad we were there.

 Our friends Jeff and Katie and their two girls came to join us for the first couple of nights.
We played on the playground....

 Walked and explored the beach....

Explored the bunkers....

Went and did the scavenger hunt in the park office....

And enjoyed a couple of beautiful sunsets!!!!

They left and we continued to enjoy our week at Ft. Flagler.
Annalise was quite proud of her first attempt at making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich COMPLETELY on her own....


Avery went with a turkey sandwich (made COMPLETELY on her own as well)...

The weather that week was AMAZING!!!!
We wanted to get some more beach time....

After dinner, Mark and Avery went over to the other side of the park to do some salmon fishing.
They didn't catch anything....but it was fun for them to have some time fishing together!!

Annalise and I went to the park and played....
This was the first year she could slide down the two bars.
She was so proud!

And there was more....

(she was major injuries!)

Then we needed to meditate and enjoy another amazing sunset!

Another thing we always look forward to are the concerts in the bunker.
There is usually one every Saturday throughout the summer.  Well...this summer there were some budget issues, so the weekend we were there, there wasn't a concert.  Avery was SUPER disappointed.  So...we decided to try the concert on the waterfront in Pt. Townsend.  But first....our annual stop at the Marine Science Center.

The docent there this year knew a lot about the octopus....and she shared even a little more than we may have wanted to know.  She gave Avery a very detailed description on how octopus babies are made.  Oh My.

They also opened their new Orca exhibit....they put together a complete orca skeleton. (Did you know they have "fingers"???)    So cool.

We were getting a little hungry, so we thought we'd head over to the Public House for a little snack.
Annalise ordered a ginger ale and was AMAZED that she got a BOTTLE!!!!  WHHHAAATTTT?! :)

A walk back through town....

And a stop for ice cream of course....

Then it was time for the concert!!!


Avery seemed to like the concert in the bunker a little better.
We didn't stay for long....but it was worth a try!!!

Geoff, Robin and Abbey were coming the next day.
More of the same....
walks, beach, playing and sunsets.

Annalise had been eying a frog in the camp store ALL week.  She finally decided to use her OWN money to buy it as a souvenir....
so happy!!

Unfortunately....she started feeling a little under the weather and got a pretty high fever.
Poor kid.

She slept most of the afternoon and evening.  Then had a really rough night.  
We opted to get her home and ended up packing up and leaving a night early.

Even though the trip was different than in years past....I am so glad that we went.
As we were in the car driving home, I asked Avery what she thought about going back next year...hopefully with Grams and Gramps...but if not...would she still want to go?
She thought about it and responded with a resounding....
"we have to keep going to Ft.'s my favorite trip of the summer and it's just tradition now".
We all agreed.
And I'm so glad.
Reservations are made for next year.

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