Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Day In Seattle

For Avery's birthday in May, she asked for a trip to Seattle.
She was thinking she'd like to see the American Girl Store, the Space Needle, the Seattle Aquarium and maybe even take a spin on the Great Wheel.
Auntie Robin and Uncle Geoff met us on a Friday night at the American Girl store at Alderwood Mall.  Annalise was just as excited as Avery to go and had Sadie buckled in beside her the whole way there.

 The store was actually pretty amazing.
They have just about ANYTHING your doll could need.
BOTH girls were super excited!!!

And they got their picture taken with the American Girl of the year....

The next morning we were up and at 'em ready to begin our busy day!!!
Avery was giddy....

And then we were finally there!!!!

We decided to start with the Space Needle and make our way back through downtown.

There was a lot of waiting in lines....

And then we were on the elevator!!
The girls got a front row view!

And at the top....
super cool!!!!

We stopped at the fountain as we were leaving....
Mark and Annalise were the only brave souls to go touch the sculpture before it sprayed again....

After lunch at Ivars, we went to the Aquarium.
So much to see and touch!!

These were a few of our favorites....
And we all thought being UNDER the fish was pretty cool!!

A few last photo ops....

We were all getting a little bit tired, but REALLY wanted to check out the Great Wheel before heading home.  And we were super glad we did!!!!  It was Avery's favorite part of the day!

Look at Avery's face.....she LOVED the Great Wheel!!! :)

It was a great day in the big city!!!

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