Sunday, July 28, 2013

On to La Push....

We left Lake Wynootchee (NOT on that single-lane road!) and headed even farther north out to La Push.  We had camped out there before with Grams and Gramps.  This time we didn't quite get the spot we wanted....but we made it work.

The weather continued to hold for us.....the sun was shining and it was time to hit the beach!
We went for a walk and did some exploring first.

 And a pause to take it all in.....

After a quick lunch.... was back to the beach to build a super sand castle!!!

The tide (and the fog) were coming in, so we sat and waited to watch it take away the castle.
It took longer than we thought......

So we left it for a bit and went walking (and playing) down the beach.

After dinner, we went back down to the beach for one last ocean sunset.
It didn't disappoint!!!

Annalise kept photo-bombing my sunset shots!!

We love these girls....

And we really enjoyed our time at the beach!

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