Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grams and Gramps

We left the south side of Spokane and headed out to Grams and Gramps'.
It was HOT!!!!  Real HOT!!!!
They even got a POOL this year!!!! I think they were just as excited as the girls! Because they get their water from a well, they even had a water truck come up and fill the pool.  It was AWESOME!

The girls spent enough time in the pool that they came up with a "show" for the pool.

We had a great time playing in the pool, putting on shows, riding the doodle bug with Gramps, feeding the neighbors' horses and celebrating the 4th of July!!

And the campfire with the first s'more of the season!!!

We knew that the next day Grams was going to have to check in to the hospital for a few days to get her "numbers" back on the right track.  She would probably need to have dialysis and a blood transfusion.  Neither of which she was looking forward to, but both a necessity to get her healthy again.

So between visits to the hospital.....we found things to do to occupy our time.

And after just a couple of days, Grams was able to come back home!!
What a relief.

And on our last night there, the resident owls came out to say goodnight.  Gramps had a good time "talking" to them! :)

It was a great trip to Spokane to see all of our family.  
It was hard to leave.

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