Saturday, July 20, 2013

Twilight Camp

Annalise was sooooo excited!!!!  This year she got to participate in Girl Scout Twilight Camp.  (Twilight because it happens from 1-7pm each day....not because of vampires!)
Annalise was part of the Ladybug unit. 

And Avery was part of the Juniors in Space Unit.
Because Avery is a Junior this year, she got to do an overnight at camp.  And because she was in the Juniors in Space unit, she got to do an additional overnight.  So we dropped Avery off at 1:00 on Tuesday and didn't see her again until 7:00 Thursday.  She had a great time!
As part of the unit, the girls got to take a field trip up to WWU and go to the planetarium.  
(I went along as a chaperone so I got some pictures. :) )

They got to sleep in tents at Hovander park...

And on the last night, both girls' units did a skit at "Singing Tree".

Avery's was about making sure Girl Scouts always have a buddy and some random alien thing....

Annalise's was a bunch of crying little girls who didn't want to leave camp.

They both had a great week and were VERY tired by the end!!! :)

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