Thursday, July 25, 2013

Happy Campers 2013

We had a hard time trying to decide on dates for this years' Happy Campers trip.  That the time we made a decision, we couldn't get reservations at our usual destination.  So we decided to change the venue to the BEACH.  That sounded a little too cold for our tent camping campers, so it ended up just being three families this year.
On our way out to Ocean City....we had to stop in McCleary (it's tradition) for lunch.
We were all hungry and ready for a break....
We were back on the road after a yummy lunch at the Hungry Bear.

The weather was a little chilly and foggy....but the boys held strong in their shorts!
We all enjoyed a "Triple A" (Anne, Allan and Aidan) fiesta for our first themed dinner.

We started the next morning with an AWESOME pie iron breakfast!
With everyone getting one or two, we could feed everyone in no time!!

Then it was off to the beach to start the kite flying....

 Next up....Superhero Dinner.
Everyone made a superhero mask.....

 Then....Camryn divided us into teams for the Superhero Scavenger Hunt....
Mark and Carter won....

After our Superhero "Sticken" Kabobs the girls wanted to head back down to the beach for a little sand castle building before dessert.

 Their masterpiece didn't quite get finished because it started to get a little cold...

Then we made some AWESOME apple and cherry pies for dessert with the pie irons.

The next day we decided to head into town and check out the Ocean City scene.
The kids were immediately drawn to the shark's mouth....

And then it was GO-KART time!!!!

 They had time to watch and talk about how to do it.
Kim and Annalise got a double....
 Carter was speedy....

 Avery and Camryn were cautious....

 Aidan was fearless....
Kim was not. ;)

 Avery did get the hang of it....and thought it was super awesome!!!

We all kept checking out the "SHARK" ride (like a mechanical bull), but none of us wanted to try it.

Except for Pete....

Then it was back to the beach for more kite flying!!!

It was our night for dinner....we were doing a traditional Campin' dinner.
Foil Packets (our Girl Scout campout inspired us!!)!!

It got a little more chilly that evening.....

 Anne and Allan tried some dancing to warm up...

 Kim just bundled tighter....

So we sent the kids inside for a little craft break....

The beach was would have been better if the sun had made an appearance, but we still had a great time!!!  There was just a little time for MORE kite flying!!!

When all was said and was another fun Happy Camper's trip!!!
(And HOODIES were an excellent idea this year!!!)

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