Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Cousins (Summer Visit...Take 1)

I was never lucky enough to have a close relationship with my cousins.  We would see some on special occasions or holidays, but for the most part, our lives were completely separate.

It always makes me happy that Avery and Annalise have cousins that are so close in age.  Bella is almost exactly one year older than Avery and Elsa is almost exactly one year older than Annalise.
We don't get to see them as much as we'd like (about 4 times a year), yet with technology like Facetime and iMessage, the girls are all able to chat quite often.
SO....when they do get together, it's like no time has passed between visits.  

This time was like no other.

Games in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard....

And just some good, quality cousin time.

Grandma and Grandpa LOVE having all of their granddaughters together!!!!
And how could they not LOVE this??????

Love when the family can be together!!!!

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