Sunday, March 23, 2014

Morning Choir

Avery was super excited about being a part of Skyline's Choir this year.
They met each Tuesday morning at 8:30 for about 2 months practicing songs for the 
San Juan Music Educator's Elementary Choir Festival.  

The festival was a day-long event at Sehome High School in Bellingham.  
Schools from around the county brought their choirs....totaling around 400 students! 
They had been rehearsing 5 songs as individual choirs, 
then spent the first part of the day rehearsing as a whole group.
Parents and families were invited in the late afternoon to see the final performance!
It was pretty cool!!!  They sounded amazing!!!
(We also realized that our camping friend Aidan was there with his school choir from Mt. Baker!)

We could spot the Skyline choir right away....Mark and his students volunteered their time to make t-shirts for the group!  The kids picked a great color....LOVE the turquoise!!!

These video clips are short...but it will at least give you an idea of what they sounded like! :)

It was a great experience for Avery!  She really had a fun time!

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