Sunday, March 9, 2014

Surprise Spokane Trip

We've been saying it for a while now, but we feel so far away from Spokane.
And when our parents' health is questionable, the distance feels even greater.
It's not always easy to make the time to get to Spokane for just a quick weekend visit with our schedules....activities, birthday parties, sleepovers, etc.  

BUT....I've been a little concerned about my Mom and I always feel better when 
I can actually SEE how she's doing.  
So as a belated birthday gift, I decided to SURPRISE her and go to Spokane by myself.

I am sooooooo glad I went.  
She was VERY surprised and it did my heart good to see and have time with my Mom and Dad.  
Just the three of us.....we had lots of time to hang out and have conversations with no little distractions. The weekend went fast, but we had a lovely visit.
We'll have to do it again soon.

And the girls....well....they were spoiled by their Daddy while I was gone....swimming, time to do nails, movies and treats.  They had a great weekend, too! :)

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