Saturday, March 1, 2014

Purple Belt Ceremony

After passing her belt test, Avery was ready for the ceremony to receive her purple belt and second trophy! Auntie Robin and Uncle Geoff even came up to help celebrate!!!

Nice job Avery!

This is a picture of everyone in her dojang surrounding her instructor Mr. Ross.

Avery loves these two...Miss Taylor and Miss Juno.  They are black belts who help with each class.

We are so happy that Avery has found something that she really loves!

We had some time to play with Geoff and Robin before Avery left to go to a birthday party.  
We decided to play a little game of Apples to Apples.  That's always good for a few laughs!

Annalise needed a little help reading the cards, so she and Auntie Robin were a team!

And then Geoff and Annalise had a party in the backseat on the way to dinner!

We had the best day! :)

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