Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

We had plans to go to Lake Chelan for Father's Day weekend this year with my parents and Geoff and Robin.  We had been last year for Annalise's birthday and had such a great time we all wanted to go back.  When my Mom passed away my Dad didn't think he could go back without her.  I was super bummed, but totally understood.  I barely wanted to go back without her.
We decided to still go and I'm so glad we did.
It's so beautiful there!

And there were lots of happy memories of time with Grams.
(This is one of my favorite pictures.....)

The weather wasn't the greatest when we got there.

But that didn't stop the girls (and Uncle Geoff) from getting in the pool!

Seemed like a good night to hang out and play cards.

And then.....we saw this cloud.

What does it look like to you?
It started off looking like a fox to all of us, then it kept morphing into other creatures!  
It was so cool!!!

The next morning, the clouds had parted and it was warm and SUNNY!!!
Robin's Dad and his wife drove up from Wenatchee for the afternoon.
It was great to see her Dad and meet Bernadette.
We headed out for a walk and ended up at the City Park.

Then back to the pool!!!

Mark and Geoff spent some quality time in these chairs.
Such a beautiful view!

And we played more card games!

Sunday was Father's Day.
Mark is such a great Dad.  His girls love him dearly.

Unfortunately we had to spend most of the day in the car heading home.
It was a great weekend.  We had such a nice time.
And then we made the most of the drive home with several stops along the way.
The first in Winthrop.

And you can't stop in Winthrop without getting ice cream!!

We hit the road again and stopped at the top of the North Cascades Highway at the Ross Lake overlook.  GORGEOUS!!!!!

A lovely view of the mountains for this Dad on Father's Day, 
with the girls he loves the most. (Be still my heart.)
Happy Father's Day Mark!

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