Sunday, June 22, 2014

Girl Scout "Camping"

The Girl Scouts couldn't agree on how to spend their half of the cookie money they earned.  Some of them wanted to do a camping trip, some wanted to do a "water" thing, and others wanted to do both.
So we compromised.
We all agreed on a camping trip to a place with cabins AND a pool.
The Lynden KOA is where we ended up.

Michelle and Kim were the other faithful leaders for the trip...
they're so awesome!

We started the trip with getting things settled in the cabins...
3 or 4 girls in 3 different cabins.  The moms in our own.
Then it was time for a troop meeting.
We talked about the schedule, decided on what we were going to do next and had a snack.
Each girl brought an item for "GORP" (although there weren't any raisins or peanuts in this GORP!)

Then it was off to the pool.

 The weather was amazing!  HOT even!

After swimming it was back to camp to get ready for dinner.
Emily, Addie and Breanna were our cooks.
They got the fruit salad ready and chopped up all the fixins for foil packets.

While the foil packets were cooking, another group "set" the table.
They did a lovely job with the centerpiece!

After s'mores and songs by the campfire, it was quiet hours.
The girls each went to their cabins.
Us "grown-ups" stayed up and chatted around the fire, gave one last check of the cabins and all was good for the night.

The girls were up and at 'em early again the next morning.
Pie irons for breakfast and then they wanted to go straight to either swimming or pedal boats.
The pedal boat crew....  

They didn't stay interested in the pedal boats for long. 
(Guess they looked more fun than they actually were!)
Then it was back to the cabins to pack up and go home.
A quick, but successful Girl Scout "Camping" trip!

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