Monday, June 30, 2014

The First Summer Days

Our first days of summer included random plans here and there.

A sleepover with Ella for Annalise.....
they played in the sprinkler.

They played NINJA....

And cuddled up at bedtime....

Avery did a volleyball camp at the high school all week.
She had a great first intro to volleyball and is really looking forward to playing in the fall.
Annalise was happy to see her when she got home every day....

It was also our 16th Anniversary that week.
We spent the day checking out new campgrounds.

Mark likes to stop at convenience stores when we're on trips.
Everyone gets to pick the item of their choice.
Annalise chose a KING size ice cream cone....

Within 30 seconds it came off the cone and landed in her lap.  Not to be wasted, she picked it up with a napkin and ate as fast as she could before it melted and made a bigger mess.
Oh my.  I don't like that game.

Another afternoon we headed out to Semiahmoo beach to check things out.

With a stop in Birch Bay at the "C Shop"!

So far, summer is off to a great start!!!

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