Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July

It was our first time going to Kim and Pete's neighborhood for the 4th of July.
We are always invited, but we're not usually in town.
It was super cool.

A TOTAL old-fashioned neighborhood party!
Everyone gathers in the park.

Then the parade starts!
The kids all stage at one end of the park before they follow the Grand Marshal around a couple of blocks and then end back in the park.

The girls were excited!!!

They decided to walk, but there were LOTS of decorated bikes in the parade, too!

Here they come....

And one of Mark's teaching partners from school, Drew was the Grand Marshal! :)

After the parade there was more fun.
Face painting, a picnic lunch and old school games!

The wheel barrow and three-legged races....

The water balloon toss....
Camryn and Avery

Annalise and Carter....

Even Mark and Pete competed!

There was even a lady handing out cat's cradles!
Avery loves those things!  They learned how to make a broom!

After a fun afternoon at the park we walked back to Kim and Pete's house for some awesome 4th of July cupcakes that Camryn made!

It was such a fun way to celebrate the 4th of July!!

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