Sunday, July 13, 2014

Duvall, a wedding and a drop off

It worked out so that we could go to our old and dear friend Julie's wedding!
We were going to be heading south to drop Avery off at Girl Scout Camp the day after, so we left the girls with Auntie Robin and Uncle Geoff and got "fancy" for the wedding. :)

The wedding was beautiful!  It was a gorgeous sunny evening on the water in Seattle.

Julie looked sooooo happy!  We were so excited we could be there.
Julie is just one of those people we hold deep in your heart.
We don't talk often or see each other ever....but we so love our "Doody".
She's been through so much.  It means so much to see her so happy.

We didn't feel bad leaving the fact....the four of them had a great time.
Picking carrots and squash out of Uncle Geoff's garden....

A fun dinner out in Carnation....

A trip to the park....

 (Ummm....can you tell how much love there is going on here?!)

Before dropping Avery off at Camp River Ranch, Robin wanted us all to experience breakfast at the Salish Lodge. all the years we've driven by, this was Mark's first stop at Snoqualmie Falls!!!!  The food was delicious. (And the coffee was AH-MAZING!)

And the falls were quite beautiful! (Even with less water running than normal.)

Then we were off to Camp River Ranch to leave Avery for the week. (Deep breath....deep breath.....)

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