Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy Camper's Club--Priest Lake, Idaho, Part 1

It was a change of venue for this year's Happy Camper's Club!
We decided to celebrate Anne's 50th birthday with a trip to Priest Lake, Idaho.
Geoff, Robin and us got one cabin and the others got another.
We decided having all 17 of us under one little roof might be a bit much!
Since Geoff and Robin have "real" jobs and couldn't come until a little later in the week, it worked out perfect to have Grandma and Grandpa come and stay with us for a couple of nights at the cabin before they got there.

The cabin was great....
it had 2 bedrooms and a loft for the girls.

The view was beautiful and it was just a quick little hike down to the dock.

We went to dinner the first night over at Cavanaugh's and watched an awesome sunset!

The next day we took an AMAZING hike with Anne and Aidan to
Slide Rock near Lion's Head at Priest Lake.

There was LOTS to see along the way....
it was beautiful!

Annalise found a 'grass-stache'....

Grandpa couldn't quite make the last creek crossing, but the rest of us made it to Slide Rock.
It's super cool....it's a natural waterslide.  You slide down on garbage bags.
The water was pretty cold, but we all went.
Aidan was the brave one and went first....

Then Avery....

Mark was up next.

Grandma was determined to go!
Woo Hoo!!!!

And only because we watched Grandma...
Anne and I went!

Did I mention it was cold?

Annalise didn't want to go, but she cheered us all on!!

After a long hike and lots of playing in the water, we made the trek back to the cabin and had a yummy BBQ and a late evening swim in the lake with Grandma and Grandpa!

Another highlight of the day....Grandma and Grandpa's good 'tooth losing' luck was in full effect!
Annalise lost another tooth!!!!!
Right at the end of the hike it popped out!!!  How cool is that?

She got things prepared for the tooth fairy's visit....

Our week at Priest Lake was off to a great start!!

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