Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happy Camper's Club--Priest Lake, Idaho, Part 2

Geoff and Robin arrived and we headed over to the other Happy Camper cabin for dinner.
Everyone together again!!

 Anne and Allan made a fancy-schmancy dinner for everyone...

And there was a lot of posing for pictures!!
We really wanted to capture the moment!!

Lots of space for dinner....
the kids' table....

And the grown-up table....

We hung out at the beach for a big 'ol bonfire....

 The next day started off warm and sunny.
So we blew up the big floaty island and got some quality water time back at our cabin!

All of a sudden this freak storm blew in.
I mean, huge, crazy storm.
It carved a path of destruction (almost like a hurricane) as it blew it's way through north Spokane and up to Priest Lake.

The other campers were on their way over for us to host dinner.
We lost power and the storm blew over us right when they arrived!!

Gramps was also on his way up and had to drive through the storm.
He finally made it just in time for dinner!
We improvised and got cozy inside the cabin....

The sky cleared after dinner and the kids all wanted to hit the lake!
There was lots of jumping and playing on the floaty island....

And then Mark and Geoff started throwing kids in the water.




It was another great day at the lake!

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