Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Howard Miller Steelhead Park

We were anxious to get our first camping trip of the the summer in!
We didn't have plans, so we decided to go south to one of our favorite campgrounds.
We knew it would be tough to get a site over 4th of July weekend, so we headed out the day after and had the campground almost to ourselves for a few days!
It was awesome!

And it was HOT!!!
We took lots of walks, flew the kites and played lots of games.

We put the pool up for soaking!

We took a quick road trip up to Baker Lake and drove across the dam.
Soooooo pretty!!!!

One night we had the first annual Howard Miller Schneider Olympics...

It had hopscotch...

A dart throw....

And some random sprinting...

Not sure if there will be a "second annual"????

While we were there we had lots of great campfires....

And I had a few sad moments when I would think about all of the camping trips we had taken with Grams.  She would have loved sitting and playing Scrabble with us.

We were so glad we squeezed in our first camping trip of the season!

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