Sunday, May 31, 2015

The FINAL Girl Scout Camp Out

The girls decided on one last HURRAH as Girl Scouts....
another camping trip!

This time we went up to Silver Lake.
The girls voted to camp in tents and do it for 2 nights this year.
The sites were fact, we only ended up using two of them because of all the space!

The girls got right to work when we got there.
Tents up, camp set up, dinner cooked and cleaned, time for play, campfire and bed!
So smooth...made things simple for Michelle and I!

The next day we headed up to Mt. Baker for a hike.
For some of the girls this was their first time up there!
We went to Heather Meadows and hiked the Bagley Lakes trail.
Michelle gave the girls some pointers before we hit the trail....

It was a BEAUTIFUL day!!!

The girls were getting spread out on the trail so Michelle came up with the genius plan to get them to play telephone.  Each girl would whisper to the girl in front of her until it reached the front of the line.  Then we would stop and hear the final version....there were a lot of laughs!

After the hike, we went to the top....Artist Point.
Not a lot of snow left for the end of May!  (Global Warming???)
But the girls loved hiking around in what was left...

Our adventure wasn't over though....
Michelle being the Mt. Baker veteran she is, showed us a random pull out along the road.
Low and behold, there was a trail that led us to an old growth section of the forest.
The trees were HUGE in there!
It made the girls seem like tiny little munchkins!
This one took 7 of them to get around it!

HUGE tree!!

Michelle and I even stopped for a pose....

 And a dance line on top of it....

The girls thought it was pretty cool!
Next stop was Nooksack Falls....always a great view!!!

Once we got back to camp, the girls wanted to play some games in the field.
They were having such fun just being KIDS!
Middle school is coming....I hope that all of these Girl Scout experiences will stick with these girls.  The friendships they've made, all that they've learned about themselves and serving their community.
How lucky Michelle and I were to be on this journey with them!

Pure joy....

The dinner crew got to work.
They prepared another successful camping meal!!!
When all was said and done on Sunday morning it was a little bittersweet.
It was the end of an era.
Keeping the troop together would have been challenging...
it was challenging enough juggling elementary school schedules.  
These girls are ready to move on....
and what a great finale to a fun and rewarding 6 years of Girl Scouting!

I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Good message to send these girls off to middle school with!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day

A local cemetery puts out over a thousand flags for Memorial Day.'s called the Festival of Flags and this year there were around 1,700 flags on display.
Annalise and I wanted to go and check it out.
I was driving, so she had camera "duty".
I think she did a fine job.

Thanks to all who have served....

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Annalise's 7th Birthday

Annalise is turning 7.
She has had such an amazing first grade year!
She has found a love of reading!  Her academics have skyrocketed.
Her personality has blossomed as well.
Her report card all year indicated that she could work on being less social in class.
Annalise is our performer.  She will work hard for a laugh.
Our comic relief.
She knows how to push our buttons, she will argue with most EVERYTHING,
and a lot of the time she is way too smart for her own good (and ours!).

She is CRAZY charming and we love her very much.
She makes us smile, she is smart and kind, she loves to be helpful, and has such a tender heart for animals.

She has so many friends, her birthday list could have been a mile long.
She narrowed it down and decided on a Spa Party at our house.
Thank goodness we had AWESOME spa attendants (Avery and 2 of her friends!).

The girls were invited to bring a robe to "spa" in.
They were ushered first into the waiting room until everyone arrived.

Next, they were escorted to their "spa chairs", given a book to read and then asked to choose their polish color.  Our spa attendants got right to work on the pedicures!

After the pedicures were complete (and the foot tubs clean), the girls were invited to the table to decorate their tub and a pair of flip-flops to wear home so they wouldn't mess up their polish!

Some spa snacks were served (mini sandwiches, veggies and spa water), then it was time for dessert....yum!

Next up....

Annalise's party was so fun!
She felt pampered and special....and LOVED having her friends over for some spa time!
On her "actual" birthday she requested coffee cake for breakfast.....
 ...and time to open presents!

She had a good day at school and then asked for Chinese food for dinner.
Avery and I had been at Girl Scouts and made some "s'mores"....that's what Annalise had for dessert!

Followed by a photo shoot. attempt for me to get a good 7th birthday picture.
Oh my...this girl has a HUGE personality!!!!
Oh how I love her!

Trying to be serious.....

About as serious as it gets!

And DONE.....

Happy Birthday to our funny, smart, sweet, sassy, amazing and loving Annalise!!
We love you sooooo very much sweet pea!!