Wednesday, May 13, 2015

It's Been A Year

I thought I could just go through the day like normal.
Go to work, take the girls where they needed to go, make dinner, etc.
I knew I'd be thinking about my Mom all day, but thought I could just go along like always.

It just didn't feel right.
Luckily, I could leave school at lunchtime and have a few hours alone.

I headed to Birch Bay.
She loved it there.
Especially when the girls were little.  She would ALWAYS get down in the sand with them!  No matter how difficult it was going to be for her to get back up!  She would smooth out a spot in the sand and create some sort of rock or driftwood "art".

She loved the wind.  It was a little breezy on the anniversary of her passing.  
Not hot, but overcast and breezy. 

It felt like I should have a bowl of "extra hot" clam chowder.  
She loved her food fact, if something is too hot for us to eat, we all refer to it as "Grams Hot".

I sat down at the beach and read through some old texts from her.
She knew how much I loved her.
And I know how much she loved me.  We told each other all the time.
This is a good thing for me to remember.  
I want the people I love to know for certain how much I love and care about them.

The day came and went.
There are so many things that make me think about her and want to pick up the phone and call her.
It sucks that I can't do that.
I miss her lots.

At least I have places I can visit that have such fond memories...
it was almost like we spent the afternoon together.

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