Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hanmadang 2015

Last year we sort of learned a lesson with Hanmadang.
It was loooonnnnngggg, there was a lot of sitting around, it wasn't super exciting and not EVERYONE in the family needed to go.
this year just Avery and I went.
We didn't get there early for the opening ceremony and we took lots of food and drinks.
It was sooooo much better!!!!
Avery was excited to be there....

They started with a whole group warm-up.

Because we didn't go so early there wasn't nearly as much waiting around!
Avery's age group was up!
Time for her poom'se!

She did awesome!!!!

The judges were calculating their scores....

Woo Hoo!!!!
Way to go Avery!!!!
 It was an "EXCELLENT"!!!!

We decided to stay to watch the Korean team perform.
It was pretty cool!!!

We left just after the demo team performed.
It was great.  We stopped for lunch at the same Mexican place.
Avery had a great time....and I loved being there to share it with her!

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