Monday, August 23, 2010

More Spokane

And a summer trip to Spokane just isn't a trip without a stop at Auntie Lori's shop.
Annalise even got in on the mani/pedi action this year.
Avery went first to show Annalise how it's done.....first the pedi.

And the drying time....

Annalise's turn....

Drying time didn't go as well with Annalise.....she didn't much care for sitting still not touching anything! 
Oh well, we tried!!!  Thanks for the pampering Auntie Lori!!!! :)

It was fun seeing Mallory, too!  She was able to come up to Grams and Gramps' house a couple of times for dinner.

Our trip to Deer Park was a fast one because we knew we'd be seeing Grams and Gramps in just a few days on our 2-week trip to the Ocean!

Avery was also pretty excited that she was able to see some deer.  (This is where she first saw a deer and decided that it was her favorite animal a couple of years ago.)  Gramps and Grams told her that there was a mama deer that was coming to the pond for water but they had yet to see the babies.  One afternoon the mama showed up with her babies!!!!!!  Avery was thrilled!  As always, the turkeys were there, too.  These weren't the pictures from our visit....but it'll give you an idea of what they're like! 

Summer in Spokane

We always look forward to our summer trip to Spokane!
We get lots of time with family and it's nice and warm!!!!!
Our trip started with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

This was Annalise's picture!  She did a pretty good job!
While we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house the girls got to help Grandpa feed the birds! Annalise didn't want to stop!  She just kept getting bucket after bucket of seed!  There were lots of happy birds after these girls were done! :)

Paul, Katrina, Bella and Elsa all live just around the corner so we had lots of time to visit with them at their house, too!

We finally got to meet their chickens Brownie, Zipper and Goldie. 

We had a great time hanging out in their backyard!  It was sure fun spending time with the cousins!

Not to mention the ALWAYS fun lazy river just up the street also!!  Both girls had a blast and Avery was loving the big slide this year!  Maybe Annalise will be ready to leave the kiddie area next year?! :)

One morning we took all the girls to the "Bowl and Pitcher" on the Spokane River in Riverside State Park.  Lots of fond memories at that park!  Hiking, rock throwing, etc. as kids and then when Mark and I were in the Rec Program at EWU we both guided rafts through that section of the river.  Good times!!!

The girls weren't super excited about throwing was getting pretty hot by the time we made it there!  But....they humored us and it was nice to go to the park!

We had a wonderful visit with the Schneider side of the family!  Sure wish we lived just a little closer so we could hang out more often!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Camper's Club

It was time for our Happy Camper's Club trip to Lake Pearrygin in Winthrop!!!!
We were really excited to hit the trail and get over to the other side of the mountains for that HOT summer weather.  It didn't disappoint!!!  Think it was at least in the 90's each day we were there!

The Sutherland clan provided t-shirts for everyone again....Carter did a fabulous job on this year's decal!

The kids had a great time decorating them!

Anne and Allan brought a was fun having another boat with us.  Still dreaming of the day we have a ski boat to take with us! :)

Anne and Pete took the maiden voyage.....

The "grown-up" boys had their golf day and the "grown-up" girls had a day of shopping in Winthrop and drinks at Sun Mountain Lodge.  While the girls were gone, the little girls set up quite the spa for everyone!  It was a fun treat to come back to lovely pedicures, manicures and massages!  The Dads were pampered, too!

Annalise had a lot of fun following the big kids around. 

They were all great sports and included her in everything! 
Annalise also had her FIRST s'more!!!!  She wasn't so into it.  Took a couple bites and was done.  She definitely got the messy part of s'mores down though!

We had a great time playing in the sun and enjoying each others' company!  It's such a fun group of people!

An unfortunate medical emergency sort of ended the trip early for one of the families.  Luckily they can do emergency surgery in Omak!!!  Thankfully all's well now....but it did put a bit of a damper on the last part of our trip.  Oh well....the Happy Campers will be back in full force next summer!!! :)  Happy Trails!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Silver Lake

We had a few days between camping trips and decided to add another quick (2 night) trip in the mix.
We headed up to Silver Lake.  This time we took our little rowboat, too.  I pulled the boat behind the Durango.  It worked well!

Avery had been in a boat before, but this was Annalise's first trip out!  She thought it was pretty fun!!

Avery also got to do a little fishing with her Daddy and  LOVED that!!
We took a short drive up toward Mt. Baker to check out Nooksack Falls.  The water was really running!
Such a beautiful place!!!  And only an hour and a half from our house!  I love where we live!

It was a good, quick trip.