Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Camper's Club

It was time for our Happy Camper's Club trip to Lake Pearrygin in Winthrop!!!!
We were really excited to hit the trail and get over to the other side of the mountains for that HOT summer weather.  It didn't disappoint!!!  Think it was at least in the 90's each day we were there!

The Sutherland clan provided t-shirts for everyone again....Carter did a fabulous job on this year's decal!

The kids had a great time decorating them!

Anne and Allan brought a was fun having another boat with us.  Still dreaming of the day we have a ski boat to take with us! :)

Anne and Pete took the maiden voyage.....

The "grown-up" boys had their golf day and the "grown-up" girls had a day of shopping in Winthrop and drinks at Sun Mountain Lodge.  While the girls were gone, the little girls set up quite the spa for everyone!  It was a fun treat to come back to lovely pedicures, manicures and massages!  The Dads were pampered, too!

Annalise had a lot of fun following the big kids around. 

They were all great sports and included her in everything! 
Annalise also had her FIRST s'more!!!!  She wasn't so into it.  Took a couple bites and was done.  She definitely got the messy part of s'mores down though!

We had a great time playing in the sun and enjoying each others' company!  It's such a fun group of people!

An unfortunate medical emergency sort of ended the trip early for one of the families.  Luckily they can do emergency surgery in Omak!!!  Thankfully all's well now....but it did put a bit of a damper on the last part of our trip.  Oh well....the Happy Campers will be back in full force next summer!!! :)  Happy Trails!!

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