Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer in Spokane

We always look forward to our summer trip to Spokane!
We get lots of time with family and it's nice and warm!!!!!
Our trip started with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

This was Annalise's picture!  She did a pretty good job!
While we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house the girls got to help Grandpa feed the birds! Annalise didn't want to stop!  She just kept getting bucket after bucket of seed!  There were lots of happy birds after these girls were done! :)

Paul, Katrina, Bella and Elsa all live just around the corner so we had lots of time to visit with them at their house, too!

We finally got to meet their chickens Brownie, Zipper and Goldie. 

We had a great time hanging out in their backyard!  It was sure fun spending time with the cousins!

Not to mention the ALWAYS fun lazy river just up the street also!!  Both girls had a blast and Avery was loving the big slide this year!  Maybe Annalise will be ready to leave the kiddie area next year?! :)

One morning we took all the girls to the "Bowl and Pitcher" on the Spokane River in Riverside State Park.  Lots of fond memories at that park!  Hiking, rock throwing, etc. as kids and then when Mark and I were in the Rec Program at EWU we both guided rafts through that section of the river.  Good times!!!

The girls weren't super excited about throwing was getting pretty hot by the time we made it there!  But....they humored us and it was nice to go to the park!

We had a wonderful visit with the Schneider side of the family!  Sure wish we lived just a little closer so we could hang out more often!

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