Saturday, August 21, 2010

Swim Lessons

We got in on the ULTIMATE swim lessons this year!
Some friends told us about the great job they do at Bayside Swim Club.
So....we signed both girls up and they went every morning for 1/2 hour for 2 weeks.
Both did a great job....Annalise loved the water and didn't hesitate once!  Her class had a 1-to-1 there was ALWAYS someone holding onto her.
Her friend Ella was in the same class, too!

Avery became WAYYYYYY more comfortable in the water and really started to learn the strokes.  I was so proud of her!  She was a little scared at first....but really powered through and stuck with it.  It was great for her....something that came as a challenge and she pushed through!!!!! 

At the end of the week, they did "FUN FRIDAY"!  Their lesson time consisted of slides, diving board fun and music cranked by the pool!  The girls had  a blast!
This was also Avery's first time going off a diving board! :)  She made me promise to get it on video!! 
Here's the proof....

We'll definitely be going back to Bayside next summer!!!!

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