Saturday, September 18, 2010

Big Girl Bed

It was time.  After doing so great all summer sleeping in the trailer on a big bed, we decided it was a good time to put away Annalise's crib.

She was hesitant to say okay, but once we got the crib out of the room and brought in the Princess bed she started to get more excited!! :)

Such a big girl!

So far, so good!
She's adjusted quite well.
In fact, we're still a little blown away that she actually stays in her bed.  Especially in the morning when she wakes up.  She just hangs out on her bed until one of us goes in and gets her.  Fingers crossed that she keeps that up! :)
Ahhhh.....our little Annalisee. :)

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

What a big girl!!! How old is she?