Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Day of School

Avery had mixed feelings before the first day of school this year.
Mostly excited....but a little nervous to be going to a new school.
We decided to put her back at her home school in hopes of meeting some new neighborhood friends, as well as to have a little independence from her Mom!

She was happy to report at the end of the day that it was GREAT! 
She especially LOVES her teacher, Mrs. K.

And after a couple days under her belt, she's making new friends and settling in pretty well. 
We our so proud of our big (sassy!) first grader!!!!

**Annalise REFUSED to pose in ANY pictures with her sister....OR get out of her pajamas.  Precious.

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

She is so cute! She looks so much like you:) So, how do you feel having her at a different school than where you are at?