Friday, July 27, 2012

Going Home....

June was a rough month for our family health-wise.

Mark's Mom got some terrible news that her cancer had come back.  She went in for another surgery at the beginning of the month.  Luckily Mark was able to be there with her when she had her surgery and help out for a day or two afterwards when she got home.  She is slowly recovering....but SLOWLY is the key word.  She'd like it to be faster! :)  BUT...she is walking each day and is even ready to get back on her bike!!!  She is awaiting news on her course of chemo....fingers (and toes) are all crossed that it's the shortest bit possible.

My Mom retired from her job at the ESD after over 30 years on Friday, June 1st.  On that following Tuesday she was admitted into the hospital with pneumonia, dehydration, gout and sepsis.  Her transplanted kidney took a hit and she even needed to do some dialysis.  As it turned out....she was in the hospital the same time Mark's mom was.  I am so thankful he was there to go and be with her during that time as well.

It's during times like these when we feel so far away from Spokane.
We love our life here in Ferndale and are so grateful for the wonderful jobs and friends we have here.  But in these times of need....we wished we were there.  To help out, talk to, and HUG our family.  We finally ALL got to go at the end of the month. 

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