Saturday, July 28, 2012

Grams and Gramps

We headed out to Deer Park for some camping at Grams and Gramps' house.

Charlie LOVED being off-leash and have some freedom to roam!  He only got into trouble when he chased the wild turkeys and their babies!! :)  He REALLY liked them!

We got to give hugs to Grams and Gramps and play around on their property.  The girls especially LOVED going on a daily "doodle bug" (4-wheeler) ride with Gramps to feed the neighbors' horses some carrots.

It got REALLY we put up the pool!!!

And one day we went to "FUNLAND".....we started with the bumper boats.  

Avery got SOAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We also had some campfire the first s'mores of the season!!!

Cousin Mallory danced for about 15 years and had collected MANY costumes.  She was cleaning out some things and found them all.  She asked if the girls might be interested in them.  OMG!!!!!  Hours of entertainment.....dressing up, performing, etc!!!  They were thrilled!!!  And on  the 4th of July we were treated with a "SHOW". :)

Annalise became a bit accident prone and we thought it might be time to start heading home! :)
Avery took great care of her.  Once the first aid part was finished, she took over and read and snuggled with the little patient.

We had a good time hanging out in Deer Park....

We helped Grams water and pick strawberries from her garden....

....and especially loved the daily doodle bug rides....

It was hard to leave Spokane.  This time more than any other.

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