Friday, September 14, 2012

A Welcome Home Surprise!

 We decided to take Charlie to the kennel during our week at Lake Pearrygin.  A combination of other dogs, heat and our sanity helped make our decision.  We got home and then had to leave pretty shortly after to go pick him up.  Mark and the girls stayed home while I went to get him.  While I was gone, these two deer decided to come and rest in our front yard.  We have NEVER had deer in our yard before (well...that we've noticed).  They were super relaxed...just hung out while Mark and the girls took pictures through the screen......and then they just chilled when they all came out on the porch to take some more pictures!!!

 They were still in the yard when I got home with Charlie.  They stayed while I drove up the driveway and let him out into the backyard.  I think they even stayed for a while with him in the back.  Not long....and we haven't seen them since, but what a COOL sight to see in our front yard!!!

It was a nice welcome home!

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