Saturday, September 22, 2012

Seattle Mariners Game

We've never taken the girls to a Mariners game.
Our friend offered us some "CLUB" tickets and we thought it would be the perfect opportunity!!! 
 It was SWEET!!!!  Parking was included in the garage and then we could just walk across the sky bridge into the "CLUB".  Avery LOVES Seattle.  Well, any big city really!  She loves the buildings and the freeway and the over and under passes.  So when she saw Safeco Field she was giddy!

We arrived early enough so that we could have dinner at the field before the game started...

Annalise was hungry....that's never a good thing!!
 We were all good after eating and still had time to walk all the way around the field.  
SO much to look at!!  What a cool place!!!

Annalise chose cotton candy as her treat.
She had never had it before....

 She took a chunk and put it in her mouth.
"What is it supposed to do Mom?"
"It just kind of melts in your mouth Annalise".
"Ewwww.  Don't like it."

It was a great night for a game.
Not too hot and not too cold!

Time for the first pitch.

Not sure who these people were...some rapper and his DJ?!

Mariners vs. Angels

The Mariners weren't doing so well.
It was a perfect time for a little distraction!
Think the streaker was the highlight of the game.
 The girls couldn't believe what was happening....what's that guy doing?  
Why are they chasing him?
Mark and I were cracking up!

And as they are escorting him off the field in handcuffs...."Where are they taking him?"
"To jail're not really supposed to do that.  He's in a lot of trouble."

Great first Mariners game for the girls. Thanks for the tickets Pappy!

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