Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Camper's Club 2012

Another successful Happy Camper's Club trip in the books!
We went back to Lake Pearrygin just outside of Winthrop, Wa.
Of course we had to spend some time in town....and a trip to Winthrop wouldn't be complete without a stop at the MOST photographed place in town! :)

Mark and I

Jordan and Payton

Camryn and Payton

Carter and Ella

Annalise and Avery

Camryn, Annalise and Payton

Camryn, Jordan and Payton

THIS IS MY FAVORITE!!!  LOVE Annalise's face! :)

T-shirts this year took on a new meaning.  We got together with the McCormacks and gave each Happy Camper a nickname.  Some established....some new. :)  You can see by the reaction who got a new nickname! Avery and Payton did the unveiling.....

It was carnival night.....
The "Carnie" (a.k.a. Moob) was on with a little PLUNKO.

Everyone had their lemonade, peanuts and popcorn appetizers.....
Followed by the burger/hot dog bar and good 'ol greasy donut holes for dessert.

 The only thing missing was the clown.  (By Mark's choosing.)

Next up was a super FIESTA!!!!  Hosted by the McCormacks in their cabin.

 Did I mention it was HOT???  Wow....like....REALLY HOT!!!!  We were able to stay in the water a good portion of the day and luckily we found the PERFECT sandy beach.  LOTS of time spent in the water!!!  And since we couldn't be in the water ALL of the time, we found some other things to do as well!  Like tie-dying our Happy Camper's Club t-shirts!!! 

They turned out REALLY cool!!!  Even the grown-ups had fun!

 The week was wrapping up...and we ended with a CAMPING themed dinner! :)

Nice Photo Bomb

Dinner was topped off with BANANA BOATS....slice a banana, fill it with mini marshmallows, chocolate and peanut butter chips.  Wrap it in foil and let it cook in the coals for a few minutes.  VOILA!!!  Yum!

 It was another AWESOME Happy Camper's week.
And again...Moob and Wigger snuck away before we got pictures.

 Thanks Friends!!!

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