Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ft. Flagler 2012

We were really looking forward to this year's trip to Ft. Flagler.
After being so worried about my mom at the beginning of summer, I was doubtful that she would be fully recovered and ready to camp in August.  BUT....she was ready!!!  And we were really glad!!!  We arrived the day before, so we were anxiously awaiting Grams and Gramps' arrival the following day!  Annalise was ready to jump right in and help Gramps get the trailer all set up!

It was a beautiful night for a campfire!!!

Our summer just doesn't feel right until we take a trip to Ft. Flagler.  We have the same things we do...year after visit the museum and do the scavenger hunt.

And visit the old batteries and do some screaming.

Love this one direction you're looking at Mt. the other you've got Mt. Baker.

There is always lots of bike riding at Ft. Flagler.  The loops are perfect for cruising!!

And the beach always has great driftwood for building AWESOME forts!!!

We made a trip over to Fort Worden to check out the Marine Science Center.  
Grams didn't make it with us last year, so she was excited to join us on our adventure!

It was HOT in Pt. Townsend so we HAD to stop for ice cream!  
The girls couldn't resist a photo op on the buffalo?!  Yee Haw!!!

Uncle Geoff and Auntie Robin made it over to camp with us for the weekend!!!
They brought the clouds and colder weather with them, but there was still bike riding 
(Robin was rockin' Grams' ride)....

And a beach scavenger hunt that the park hosts were facilitating....

As always...there was also a Saturday night concert in the battery.
This year, it was a classic rock cover band named Chantilly Lace.
We loaded up in the Explorer (Annalise wanted to be in the way back with Abbey).
 It was a little too chilly for Grams and Gramps, so they hung out at the campsite.

We set up chairs in our usual spot and everyone got to rockin' out.
I think Annalise liked the music more than everyone....she immediately got her dancing on and started to groove!!!

She needed a cookie break after all of that dancing!!!

We all thought the band was one of the best we've seen at the battery!

It was a great week at Ft. Flagler!!!  Still tops the list as our favorite trip of the summer!!!
Can't wait to do it again next year!!!

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