Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas With The Cotas

We went up to Grams and Gramps' house Christmas Eve day.
Lori, Jeff and Mallory came up to celebrate, too!

We had a delicious prime rib dinner and shared gifts to each other and from Auntie Rea Rea and Uncle Rob.

Then after everyone left it was time to get ready for Santa.
Annalise got the cookies and Avery wrote the note...

Story time with Grams before bed...

Then in no time, they were fast asleep....(and we caught them holding hands! :) )

And the next morning....Santa had been there!!!
 Annalise was thrilled that the message had gotten to him about the wheelchair for her doll!

There was time to play with all of the cool presents....

Time to go feed the horses and take a ride on the doodle bug with Gramps!

Avery was also anxious to try out the new game Grandma and Grandpa got her....Ticket to Ride.
It was really cool....long....but fun!

And most of all...we had time to be with family!

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