Friday, December 20, 2013

SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

The forecast looked good.
I thought for sure we would wake up to the phone ringing at 5:30 letting us know that school was cancelled the last day before winter break.  I told the girls if I didn't wake them in the morning that it was a snow day.
I really needed the day!!!  We weren't quite ready to leave for Spokane and knew it would be a late night the next night to try and get everything ready for our Saturday morning departure.

Phone rings. 
I'm giddy.
"2-hour delay. Staff should report on time."
Oh man. What a bummer.
Look outside.
A couple of inches on the ground....not a lot...but it looked like the snow was still really coming down.

I figured I could still let the girls sleep a little.
Avery woke up on her own and came downstairs with the sweetest and biggest grin ever.
I said good morning and she said...."morning...SNOW DAY?!"
I had to break the news.
"No, just a delay honey."
She burst into tears.
(Which is exactly what I wanted to do when I heard!)
We settled down and watched the snow falling.  So cool!!!
We started to get ready for school and the phone rang again.....
SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!  School is cancelled!!  YIPPEE!!!!!

We sooooo enjoyed our snow day!!!!

The girls wanted to go sled the hill across the pond....

And we got everything finished so we could leave for Spokane the next day!
What a GIFT!!!!
(Now I would like a few more snow days, pretty please!)

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