Saturday, December 21, 2013


When Fall soccer finished, Avery had already decided that she didn't want to play the Winter indoor soccer season.  She wanted to try something different.
She was interested in Taekwondo.  There is a place in Ferndale that does a 2-week trial so that seemed to be the best way to try it out.  She started in November....

She LOVES it!!!
Her class is twice a week.
The discipline aspect of Taekwondo really suits Avery's personality.
It has been a great fit.

In fact, she has done so well, she was ready for her first belt test in just a month.
In order to test for the next belt, each student has to earn 5 stripes on his/her belt.
A blue stripe is for reading at home,
a black stripe is for completing a month's worth of pre-determined chores at home,
a red stripe is earned by having her teacher fill out a behavior card,
yellow stripe is behavior at home and
the green stripe is earned when she has learned her "poomse" (a taekwondo routine).

When it was time for belt testing, she wasn't even nervous.
It was very official. 

The judges had questions to ask her.

Then she had to demonstrate several techniques.

She passed and got her yellow belt!!!

A couple of weeks later was the OFFICIAL belt ceremony where she would receive the actual belt and a trophy for earning all five stripes.  It took place at the local community college and included students from the Bellingham Dojang as well.  There were LOTS of students....

Her yellow belt....

And her trophy....
(with all the other 9-year olds)

Then there were some demonstrations.
Even Annalise thought they were "SO AWESOME"!!!

Mr. Ross, Avery's instructor, came out dressed as Santa.
He did an amazing demonstration and ended with this....

Way to go Avery!!!!!!!

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