Saturday, December 14, 2013

Girl Scouts in December

Our Girl Scout troop was able to make a connection with a local cake decorating shop to go in and learn about baking and running a food business. (Step 1 of a badge they are working on!)

Carol's Cake Designs.  
Carol was sooooo welcoming and awesome about teaching the girls some fun and super cute ways to decorate cookies and make holiday treats.
They had a BLAST!!!!

These were little mice made out of a cherry dipped in chocolate, a Hershey kiss and almond slices for ears.  So cute!!!

Little Christmas trees made out of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a kiss on top.

Elf donuts....

We had such a great afternoon!!!
And lots of YUMMY treats to eat after!

Our service unit took a spot caroling at our local grocery store.
For every hour caroling, the store donated a $50 gift card to the food bank.
There weren't a lot of girls (only half of our own troop could make it) so they were pretty quiet....but they sang the whole hour and did their best!!!  Nice job girls!!

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