Saturday, May 10, 2014

Early Birthday Celebrating

Uncle Geoff and Auntie Robin got to come up the beginning of May and we decided
to celebrate the girls' birthdays a little early.
It was a chill kind of Friday night....

Saturday they voted for a day of shopping with Auntie Robin!
We headed straight to the mall.
When we got there, they decided to see how long the wait might be to get a little manicure.
Just enough time to get lunch and come back for some painting....

So pretty!!! :)  Thanks Auntie Robin!
 There was also plenty of time to go to Target for them each to pick out whatever BIRTHDAY item they wanted.  Nothing like a little birthday shopping spree!!!  So AWESOME!!!

The girls gave us the "okay" to leave them at home with a babysitter
while the grown-ups had some play time! 
And we did....

Another fun visit with our besties.

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