Thursday, May 1, 2014

Here Comes The Sun

Annalise had her first official elementary school concert.
She LOVES music!  She is always singing and dancing.  And seriously....the kid can learn to words to a song after hearing it once or twice.  She's amazing!
She LOVES her music teacher!
We LOVE the music teacher at Skyline.  
She is so creative and comes up with the BEST concerts.
They are fun for the kids and entertaining for the adults!

That said....well....I guess we were all just enjoying the performance a little too much and didn't take many pictures.  And the pictures that I did take....well....not the best.
If this is what happens to the second child....I wonder what happens to those kids who are like 4th or 5th or further down the line?  Or...maybe it's just me? :)

We did get some cute video.
Annalise is on the top row towards the right hand side of the screen.
And again....all but one of our video clips are a little too long to upload to the blog.

Thanks for a fun show Annalise and her Kindergarten and First Grade friends!!

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