Thursday, May 22, 2014


After my Mom passed away I made my Dad promise to come spend his birthday the following week with us in Ferndale.  He agreed and I was so glad he came.
We went to dinner to celebrate.
Annalise even shared a birthday rainbow sherbet with him!!
He stayed for a few days and it was so great having him here.

I can't even imagine what it must be like for him.
They were partners for 52 years.
High school sweethearts and then married for 48 years.

They loved each other deeply.
They were best friends.
They were a team.

When my Mom was diagnosed with kidney disease 20 years ago, my Dad took on another role...caregiver.  And he was an amazing caregiver.  So patient, so loving, so fully present.
He would say "yes, Stephie" when she grumped at him.
He would swell with pride when she called him a "saint".
It wasn't always easy,  yet there was never a doubt in his mind as to what he had "signed up for".

I worry about him.
I know that he will be just fine.
It's just that now he's on this journey without his partner and that breaks my heart.

Thankfully we can look back and be grateful for what they had.
Many years of a deep, true and pure love.
One that some people are never so lucky to have.

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