Monday, August 23, 2010

More Spokane

And a summer trip to Spokane just isn't a trip without a stop at Auntie Lori's shop.
Annalise even got in on the mani/pedi action this year.
Avery went first to show Annalise how it's done.....first the pedi.

And the drying time....

Annalise's turn....

Drying time didn't go as well with Annalise.....she didn't much care for sitting still not touching anything! 
Oh well, we tried!!!  Thanks for the pampering Auntie Lori!!!! :)

It was fun seeing Mallory, too!  She was able to come up to Grams and Gramps' house a couple of times for dinner.

Our trip to Deer Park was a fast one because we knew we'd be seeing Grams and Gramps in just a few days on our 2-week trip to the Ocean!

Avery was also pretty excited that she was able to see some deer.  (This is where she first saw a deer and decided that it was her favorite animal a couple of years ago.)  Gramps and Grams told her that there was a mama deer that was coming to the pond for water but they had yet to see the babies.  One afternoon the mama showed up with her babies!!!!!!  Avery was thrilled!  As always, the turkeys were there, too.  These weren't the pictures from our visit....but it'll give you an idea of what they're like! 

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Oooh...manis and pedis!!! I can't wait to do that with Nelia. It looks like you all had a fabulous summer. I can't believe how big the girls are - they are so cute!