Saturday, December 17, 2011

Annalise's Christmas Program

Annalise has been waiting weeks for her Christmas program!!!
She's been singing the songs (when prompted).
Mostly she's been eyeing her pretty dress and shoes.
The night finally arrived!!!!
And it went off without a hitch!!!!

This year Avery's school decided not to do a Winter Program.  She was quite disappointed....especially since Auntie Rea Rea had sent her a very pretty dress to wear!!!  SO....she dressed up for Annalise's night! :)

But Annalise was quick to tell us that it was HER night!

There was no hesitating once she got up there either!  She was singing right along.  No stage fright with this one!

The audience was ready.....

Scotty, Mary, Oma and Irene were there to cheer Henry and Annalise on, too! :)

And here they are:
     (I apologize for the graininess (sp?) of the video!  Think it may be time to invest in a new camera!)

After all of that hard work it was time for treats!
The cake pops were a hit!

We got them all together for a final picture....

It was a great program!
I'm so excited for Annalise! 
She's getting so big and is getting to take part in all of these
 "big kid" things she's seen Avery get to do.
A great start to the holidays!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!

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