Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Part 2

We headed out to Grams and Gramps' house on Christmas Eve for Christmas #2.
Auntie Lori and Mallory were already there waiting to see us!!!

The girls got started right away on making some cookies for Santa's visit.

After the cookie making, there was some dancing to be done.....

And some good quality cousin time.....

After a yummy prime rib dinner we all hung out.
It was getting late so it was time to start preparing Santa's treat.
Annalise did some sampling while Avery got the sign ready....

And after the perfect Christmas Eve story....the girls headed to bed.  (Avery was nervous that we would stay up too late and Santa might pass her by.  We assured her we would be in bed soon.)

And what do you know.....the girls were up and at 'em just before 7.  Santa had come!!!!!!!

And even better than Santa this year were Mom and Dad!  The ONLY thing Avery asked for this year was an American Girl doll.  We told her that it was a lot of money and that probably she would need to start saving her money just like she did for her iPod Touch. 
We debated and decided that we would get it for her.  She was so surprised!!!!!!!

It was the one she had picked out!!!

Annalise also got just what she wanted.  The Barbie motorhome.  Hours of entertainment!!!!

We had a great day just hanging out and playing with all of the new toys
(and changing our clothes about a million times...too many cute new outfits to choose from)!!!

And we finally got to meet Mallory's boyfriend Stefun! :)
He came out and had dinner with the family.  (Brave soul!)  He fit right in!

We had a wonderful Christmas!!!!
We feel so lucky to have such great families with whom we love spending time with.
We are grateful for all of the time we get to spend together.
Merry Christmas everyone!

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