Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Tree!!!

Once again....we hit the weather perfectly on the day after Thanksgiving!!
We took full advantage and headed out to the tree farm.

The place was not busy at all, so we were able to get in there and find our tree with no problem!

Avery was sure this was the one!!!

When we got home we got right to work on wrapping up our books for the month of December.
(One of our traditions is that the girls open a Christmas book each night up until Christmas!)
Grams was more than happy to put her wrapping skills to the test.
She and Avery were plowing through them.

Annalise did 1 then called it quits.

And by the end of the next day, the tree was up and decorated!!!!

Including the train!!!! 

I think it's a new record!!!
Mark's motto this year...."The day after Thanksgiving....Christmas shows up and throws up".
It certainly did!!!  Our house is festive and we are feeling the Christmas spirit!!! 
We just love this time of year!!!

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